Guthrie Oklahoma
920 W. Manner Ave.
Aug. 24, 1943
Dear Carrie,Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I thought I would write you a letter this evening as I promised to do so, but leaving out the promise I am sure I would still love to write you.
This finds me back down in Guthrie, at Bro. Pruitt's. We had a nice trip back. I am sure we all enjoyed our trip very much. Some of us sang quite-a-bit on the way back (Mortly Geneva and I). Sis. Pruitt and Geneva went in a G. store and bought us all something for dinner. We drove out of town a little ways and stopped by some shade trees and got out under them, and ate our dinner. The Lord was very precious to all of us and caused us to be very happy. Truly I am thankful for his many blessings to all of us.
Well I just wonder what kind of trip you had on your way back home. I sure hope you had a nice and a safe trip. I feel sure you did, as I know God will always care for those that trust in him.
I am working in the shop again now. I stamped off labels for the Faith and Victory today. Most all of us are either on the paper, or doing something toward its mailing. We hope to have it ready to go off in the mail by Mon. morning, Aug. 30th. I don't know just how long I will be here in the shop but I really don't expect it to be so long. I am still seeking the will of God in every step that I take. I still haven't gotten my rationing books yet, which I would love to do before I leave here as they are not supposed to be forwarded to any one. They should be in (I think) with in a few days.
Well Carrie I want to say again (even though you have heard it before) that the meeting up there in Mo. was really and encouragement to me. One thing that was very encouraging to me was that I got to see you and that I got better acquainted with you. The more I was around you and the more I learned about you and your ways the more I was encouraged. Truly the fellowship with you (what little time we were together) was real sweet and an inspiration to my soul. Truly I have very delightful and pleasant memories of you. I trust they will forever increase.
Carrie, I believe that the Lord was instrumental in you and I being together up there at the meeting. From almost from the first of the meeting the Lord was talking to me about a companion, and as the days passed by he seem to show me plainer and plainer that you were the one. My love for you has been increasing from that time. I can truthfully say that you have won a place in my heart that no other girl has ever won. I will admit that I have seen other girls that I thought I loved and probably did to a certain extent, but I have never met a girl yet that I love as I do you. There is just a holy fellow-ship that only God can give. Carrie, I ask you with a sincere heart and a heart that is filled with love for both you and God to consider and pray about you and I uniting in marriage at the time appointed by God, which I know not at this time. I promise you that I will be a faithful Husband to you as well as a help mate in the work of the Lord. I will try my best to make you happy and to be every thing to you that God will have me to be.
While I was out in Ala. this last time I worked some in a cotton mill and I am sure that God gave me the job. I felt his approval upon me while I was working there. When I left there I felt sure that God would have me to go back to work for him there as well as in the mill. That was at B'ham, Ala. There were a few souls that seemed to be interested in getting saved. I had quite an opportunity to work for the Lord while I was on my job. You see there was quite a number that worked in the mill and I was with a big portion of them. I met a man that especially seemed to be very interested in his soul.
Well I won't say any more about this until I hear from you again, which I hope won't be so long. I am sure I would enjoy getting a letter from you, girl I have learned to love.
It is getting pretty late and I guess I had better be bringing my letter to a close. I will be expecting and hoping to hear from you before long. May the Lord bless you and encourage you in the ways of God.
A very close Friend,
Thomas Vada Mc Millian
P.S. If you have a picture of your self that you wouldn't mind loaning or giving a way, I sure would be glad if you would send me one in your letter. I am sure it would help to brighten my way. (Mc)
P.S. If you want a picture of me I will try to send one latter as I don't have one now. (Mc)