"Now is my soul troubled
And what shall I say?
Father, from this hour save me,
But for this cause I came.
Father, glorify thy name."
"I have both glorified it
And will glorify again"
Mary poured ointment out.
"Let her alone," he said,
"The poor ye always have
But me ye have not always.
Father, glorify your name"
"I have both glorified it
And will glorify again"
"We would see Jesus,"
Some Greeks among them said.
"The hour is come that the
Son of man be glorified.
Father, glorify thy name."
"Verily I say to you,
If a corn of wheat shall fall down
And if it dieth in the ground
It bringeth forth much fruit.
Father, glorify thy name"
"I have both glorified it
And will glorify again"
"I have both glorified it
And will glorify again"
"This voice came not for me
But for your sakes.
Now is the judgement of this world,
And the prince shall be cast out.
Father, glorify thy name."
"I have both glorified it
And will glorify again"
"And if I be lifted up,
I will draw all men to me."
The people wondered, "How sayest thou?
For Christ shall live forever and not die!"
"Father. Glorify thy name."
"Walk while you have the light,
Lest darkness come on you;"
Jesus intreateth his dear creation,
"For he in darkness knoweth not where he goes.
Father, glorify thy name."
"I have both glorified it
And will glorify again"
"Oh! Believe on me!
And look on me!
Oh, receive my words
That you might be received.
Father, glorify thy name."
"I have both glorified it
And will glorify again"
Lord, I hear your pleas
Of deep agony.
I receive your words of life.
I thank God that you would die for me.
Lord, I glorify your name!
Help me glorify your name.
As I read the 12th chapter of St. John, I could hear the urgency in Jesus' voice. His compassion for the people and his burden for their souls moved me. His love for the world and his desire that God's name be glorified, led him to the cross.