

Life and love are precious.
Saying I love you is important.
Someday, you will tell someone you love,
I love you
For the last time.
On that day,
Their last
I love you
Will mean the world to you.
We don't know when.
Some people don't love.
They kill.
And those who love
Will hurt
And fear
And reach out in love to those
Who hurt.

But Love—
Love is Strong.


Of Guilt and Inspiration

It's spring, and I'm feeling it.
There are so many little flowers blooming,
and it's inspiring me to tame more pictures.
I have to admit, though I take my camera practically everywhere,
I've been lacking a little on creativity.
So a little prick of guilt,
And a little taste of success,
And some spring fever mixed in there,
I'm more inspired.

I used a rain overlay from Carrie at "Captured by Carrie", and an action from The Coffee Shop Blog

I almost blamed it on winter.
You know, it being all bare and boring out there.
But, there's no excuse,
Because I can always find a still-life to shoot.

So, hopefully I'll be going through more pictures and keep myself motivated.
