
All Things Work Together

Neosho, Mo

Gen. Del.

Nov. 2, 1943

Dear Carrie,

  Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ our blessed Lord.

  This finds me still save sanctified and determined to go all the way with the good Lord. I can say like David he will be our guide even untill death or for ever.

  I felt some better this morning after a long night's sleep, but I think I would hardly be able to make it at work wo I am staying in to day.

  I called to Mr. Westior's office yesterday evening but he was done gone home although he left a little information at his office. The lady that answered the phone said that he fail to be able to call out to the farm where he entended to. But he left word there for me to call him a gain this morning. So I did. I called to his house this morning and talked with his wife. He said for me to meet him this mornin as he went to work I tole her that I was hardle able to work this morning then she said that he said for me to call him when I did get able. So by that I supose he must have somthing in mind for me to do. I really hope I can get a job without leaving Neosho.

  Well Carrie I know it seems like that you and I have quite a few tests (or should I say wonder whys) in our being to gether. But as the scripture says "all things work to gether for good to them that love God and to them who are called according to his purpose."

  Carrie I sure did appreciate those kind words that you spoke to me yesterday while I was out at your house and on our way to Neosho. I mean about what you said concerning me being sick. I wish I could return the favor. I hope you all didn't have any more car trouble.

Carrie I am sure you don't know how thankful I am that I got to meet you and to go with you and above all I am thankful for the hopes of our future.

  I am glad that the good Lord thinks enough of us weak creatures to lead us a long the way of life. I am sure that when the Lord leads all will be well

  I think it is a wonderful and gracious thing to have God lead us through life. He can help us to be a blessing where with out him life would be a failure. I knew that every good thing that we are able to do is done by his help or his power. So seeing this is true helps us to be able to say like the song, all I am or hope to be I commit dear Lord to thee. We say this because we love him. I hope it is where I can go to prayer meeting Thur. night as I always enjoy meting in the house of God to learn more about him. I will also be glad to see Miss Wyatt there. I enjoy your lovely presense.

  It will sure be good and suit me very much if I get a job where I can continue to go to prayer meeting. I don't see why it wouldn't be the Lord's will for me to have a job that I could do so. Although I don't know just what Mr.Westion has in mind by him being ready for me to go to work before he called out to the farm. So I will be hoping that God will work things out so I can go to prayer meeting.

  Well I guess I will say good bye to that sweetheart of mine (Carrie Wyatt.)

  May God ever bless you and I both and help us to be a blessing in my sincere prayer.

Pray for me love


Please excuse this short letter.

You Will Find Out I Am Tricky

Neosho, Mo

Oct. 29, 1943

My dear Mac,

  Thought I would drop you a few lines and leave it with your things. Grandma and I intend to got to town right afternoon, and we thought we would take your things and leave them at the house where you stay. I suppose you will be at work, so I don’t guess I’ll get to see you.

Well I’m glad this morning that we can always have bright hopes in the Lord. Our surroundings may appear dark sometimes, but we can still have sunshine from heaven in our souls. I’m glad for salvation. It is something that never becomes old or tiresome to us. Instead of that, we only learn to appreciate the Lord more and more as the days go by. I believe that is one reason the Lord permits things to happen sometimes that are unpleasant to us, and also lets us to get in places so that we can’t see our way out. For that causes us to trust Him more fully when we see we are too weak in our own strength. And when we see it is impossible for us to make the way clear ourselves, then when the Lord steps in and opens up ways for us, then we really know how to appreciate Him better than before.

  I thought last night during prayer meeting, when Sis. Dean and Sis. Reese testified and told about being alone all the time, and how they would sit and think. I thought that it is just the opposite with me. It is so hard for me to find a quiet hour, so I can think and meditate. I would be glad if I could share part of their quiet hours, for I love to be alone part of the time. But I’m not complaining at my lot in life. Perhaps since I don’t very often get the opportunity of being alone, maybe that helps to cause me to be more earnest in seeking the Lord, and to learn of Him.

We both must have been almost of the same mind last night in prayer meeting. As you said I had your testimony.

  —Well I will now try to finish this. It is after mail time now , and we are about ready to start to town. Your mail cam that we were expecting. I didn’t take the package undone, but the end of the box was torn, so I could see the suit. It is a little darker color than I thought it would be, but it is pretty, I think.

  Anyhow it looks better than I dreamed it did. I thought about taking it along today and leaving it with your other things. But I didn’t know whether to or not. So I just decided to let you wait, as you planned to come tomorrow evening. — I thought it would be a good excuse for you to come.

(Now I know you will find out I am tricky) ha. But really I’ll be glad to see you come.

It seems that the times we get to be together are so short. But yet those times are very precious, as I always enjoy your presence. Those talks we have about the Lord seems to bring heaven nearer. And also binds our hearts closer together.

  Well I could write more, but I don’t have time. I hope we can get to talk more. —I wonder sometimes when we would ever get through talking if we were not disturbed. There is always something new to tell about our experiences with the Lord. And I think it is helpful to each other to tell the things we learn. And I’ve learned some things the last few days that I needed. It took some fire to consume the dross, but I sure wouldn’t exchange the gold that I got in the furnace flame for anything.

  Well maybe I’ll get to see you tomorrow eve., if the Lord wills.

  I know I can’t write anything that would bring as much cheer to your heart as your good letter brought to me that I got a few days ago. But anyhow I thought I would drop you a few lines and leave it with your things, and you can at least know that I’m thinking about you.

  I must hurry now, and say goodbye to the one who is dear to me.

Yours, with Love,



Wishing to See You

Neosho, Mo

Route 3

Sept. 30, 1943

Dear Carrie,

  Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ, our blessed Lord.

We have just got back from the prayer meeting. Every on here are in bed except my self. I thought I would write my sweet girl friend a letter before I went to bed as I want to be sure and get it in the morning mail.

  As we were coming back from church to night I was thinking about what I told you concerning when I would see you again, which I understand was Sun. The thing I want to say is that I hope to see you before Sun. I hope you will forgive me for not asking you about it to night at church I also hope it will be alright with you. I guess I will just have to go and hoping and trusting that you will understand. I really hadn’t considered it much until we had left the church. So now if the Good Lord wills, I will try to see you Sat. evening some time. I guess this is as near as I can tell you. If Bro. Wyatt is in town Sat. I guess I can come out with him, but if not I will try, and see have it seem to walk out there.

  As far as I know now I will be leaving Neosho about Mon. to go back to Guthrie and I just got to thinking about how little time we would have to gether be fore I left if I didn’t see you before Sun. I am sure I would enjoy being with you more than just Sun.

  I guess I could write quite a lot if I were to take the time but since it is getting late and since I expect to see you soon I will say good by to the girl that has been, and is, a real encouragement to me, and to the girl that I love and respect as my only girl friend.


(I love you, Mc)


Work at the Army Camp

Neosho, Mo
Gen. Del.
Oct. 25, 1943
Dear Carrie,
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and loving Jesus Christ.
This finds me still saved sanctified and determined to go all the way with the good Lord. I am glad we can serve such a mighty God as we have. We read in the Bible where it says Jesus Christ is the same yesterday to day and for ever. Truly I am thankful for this. I am glad that God turned me from a life of blindness and sin to a life of holiness and of hope. I mean by God's help and grace to serve him until death, or until he comes. I know a decision of this kind means a lot. For I know there are many trials and tests and storms of life that we will have to face, but if we yield our self unto God, I also know that he will take us through them all with Victory.
If we have consecrated our all to God and keep it consecrated, I don't see how we could fall if we are willing to suffer with him too. The enemy might come and try to get us to be unfaithful while the storm is on but we can just resist him and refuse to listen to any thing that he has to say and just count God faithful and remember that all things work to gether for good to them that love God and to them who are called according to his purpose. If we will do this I know we will always triumph over the enemy and will be growing stronger in the Lord in so much that we will be able also to help others.
To do the above is my highest and only aim in life. Please pray for me that I might do this.
Well I just wonder how this will find my sweet Carrie getting a long. I hope you are well and happy. I would love to be with you to night and talk with you if it were possible and if it were God's will. But I am sure God knows what is best and I try not to allow my self to go a gainst his will. I feel that he wants, and is, to teach me lessons that will enable me to appreciate your presence more as he brings it about for you and I to be to gether more in the future. Not that I don't already appreciate being with you. The lessons that I am talking about are partly spiritual lessons, yet I can see that they are needful in bringing about happiness for us.
Well now I will say what I know about my work. Last night when I was down at Mrs. Bradford’s I started talking with one of the men that lives in her house and he told me that he thought I would be pretty sure to get a job out at Camp Crowder if I wanted it. So after trying a few places here in Neosho this morning I went out there. I was directed to two or three different places to go and see about a job. I went to them all and the last one gave me a job. I am supposed to go back in the morning to get completely signed up for a job. I asked a lady there in the office about what hours I would work. She said from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. That will be o.k. won't it? I don't know whether I will get signed up in to go to work to morrow or not. But I understand that I will go to work as soon as I am signed up.
There are buses running about even 15 or 30 mi. out to the camp. So I will go back and forth on the bus. I get a round trip for 25 cents.
The man that hired me said I would make 48 cents per hour beside Sat. and that I would get time and half time for Sat. Which would be 72 cents per hour. (The work will be just common labor.)
This will a gain give me a chance to attend prayer meeting and Sun. Meetings too. I am thankful for how the good Lord works things out for us.
I still expect to go down to Mrs. Bradford’s Wed. and start rooming down there. That will sure be a comfort to me. I will only be a short distance from the army bus station where I will get on the bus.
Well Carrie I guess you or me either one still don't know just what all the Lord has in the future for us. But I am sure life will be a pleasure to both of us as we let God direct our steps. I can truthfully say that your life has already been a pleasure and an inspiration to me. And as I think of you and your ways it only brings more happiness and courage to me. I am thankful indeed that God ever let me have the privilege of meeting you and above all of giving me the bright hope of having you for a life companion.
I am sure as we are together more and have more chances of helping one another in different ways that our love will only increase for each other.
I have had my pocket book out in my hands quiet-a-bit to day, and you can guess, or you should know what I enjoyed looking at. Your lovely Picture. They are just like you. (almost)
Well I guess I had better say good bye to my dear for this time. May God bless you and keep you in my earnest prayer.
With love
(Mc) (Pray for me)
I will be praying for you.
P.S. I hope you are strong in your body.
P.S. Well here I am again writing to my only girl friend. It is about 6:20 A.M. now. I thought maybe you would get this letter to day if I mailed it early this morning which I intend to do.
What I wanted to say is that after I go sign up for work to day I guess I will go over to Bro. and Sis. Allen’s after some winter clothes (That is if I don't start to work today) And as you all live so near them I thought I would come by there and I would get to see you again and I also wanted to get some razor blades and maybe something else too. I also wanted to get those extra things that Sis. Pruitt sent me so I could send them back. They are mostly over at Bro. Allen's
(I hope you don't get tired of my unexpected visits at your house.)
If I do come over to day I won't know just what time as I don't know how long it will take me to get signed up for work.
If I do go to work to day I will be hoping to see you Thur. night at prayer meeting.
Well I guess I had better say good by and hurry down to the Post office so you will get this to day.
A very close friend