Neosho, Mo
Gen. Del.
Oct. 25, 1943
Dear Carrie,
Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and
loving Jesus Christ.
This finds me still saved sanctified and
determined to go all the way with the good Lord. I am glad we can serve such a
mighty God as we have. We read in the Bible where it says Jesus Christ is the
same yesterday to day and for ever. Truly I am thankful for this. I am glad
that God turned me from a life of blindness and sin to a life of holiness and
of hope. I mean by God's help and grace to serve him until death, or until he
comes. I know a decision of this kind means a lot. For I know there are many
trials and tests and storms of life that we will have to face, but if we yield
our self unto God, I also know that he will take us through them all with
If we have consecrated our all to God and keep it
consecrated, I don't see how we could fall if we are willing to suffer with him
too. The enemy might come and try to get us to be unfaithful while the storm is
on but we can just resist him and refuse to listen to any thing that he has to
say and just count God faithful and remember that all things work to gether for
good to them that love God and to them who are called according to his purpose.
If we will do this I know we will always triumph over the enemy and will be
growing stronger in the Lord in so much that we will be able also to help
To do the above is my highest and only aim in
life. Please pray for me that I might do this.
Well I just wonder how this will find my sweet
Carrie getting a long. I hope you are well and happy. I would love to be with
you to night and talk with you if it were possible and if it were God's will.
But I am sure God knows what is best and I try not to allow my self to go a
gainst his will. I feel that he wants, and is, to teach me lessons that will
enable me to appreciate your presence more as he brings it about for you and I
to be to gether more in the future. Not that I don't already appreciate being
with you. The lessons that I am talking about are partly spiritual lessons, yet
I can see that they are needful in bringing about happiness for us.
Well now I will say what I know about my work.
Last night when I was down at Mrs. Bradford’s I started talking with one of the
men that lives in her house and he told me that he thought I would be pretty sure
to get a job out at Camp Crowder if I wanted it. So after trying a few places
here in Neosho this morning I went out there. I was directed to two or three
different places to go and see about a job. I went to them all and the last one
gave me a job. I am supposed to go back in the morning to get completely signed
up for a job. I asked a lady there in the office about what hours I would work.
She said from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. That will be o.k. won't it? I don't know whether
I will get signed up in to go to work to morrow or not. But I understand that I
will go to work as soon as I am signed up.
There are buses running about even 15 or 30 mi.
out to the camp. So I will go back and forth on the bus. I get a round trip for
25 cents.
The man that hired me said I would make 48 cents
per hour beside Sat. and that I would get time and half time for Sat. Which
would be 72 cents per hour. (The work will be just common labor.)
This will a gain give me a chance to attend
prayer meeting and Sun. Meetings too. I am thankful for how the good Lord works
things out for us.
I still expect to go down to Mrs. Bradford’s Wed.
and start rooming down there. That will sure be a comfort to me. I will only be
a short distance from the army bus station where I will get on the bus.
Well Carrie I guess you or me either one still
don't know just what all the Lord has in the future for us. But I am sure life
will be a pleasure to both of us as we let God direct our steps. I can
truthfully say that your life has already been a pleasure and an inspiration to
me. And as I think of you and your ways it only brings more happiness and
courage to me. I am thankful indeed that God ever let me have the privilege of
meeting you and above all of giving me the bright hope of having you for a life
I am sure as we are together more and have more
chances of helping one another in different ways that our love will only
increase for each other.
I have had my pocket book out in my hands
quiet-a-bit to day, and you can guess, or you should know what I enjoyed
looking at. Your lovely Picture. They are just like you. (almost)
Well I guess I had better say good bye to my dear
for this time. May God bless you and keep you in my earnest prayer.
With love
(Mc) (Pray for me)
I will be praying for you.
P.S. I hope you are strong in your body.
P.S. Well here I am again writing to my only girl
friend. It is about 6:20 A.M. now. I thought maybe you would get this letter to
day if I mailed it early this morning which I intend to do.
What I wanted to say is that after I go sign up
for work to day I guess I will go over to Bro. and Sis. Allen’s after some
winter clothes (That is if I don't start to work today) And as you all live so
near them I thought I would come by there and I would get to see you again and
I also wanted to get some razor blades and maybe something else too. I also
wanted to get those extra things that Sis. Pruitt sent me so I could send them
back. They are mostly over at Bro. Allen's
(I hope you don't get tired of my unexpected
visits at your house.)
If I do come over to day I won't know just what
time as I don't know how long it will take me to get signed up for work.
If I do go to work to day I will be hoping to see
you Thur. night at prayer meeting.
Well I guess I had better say good by and hurry
down to the Post office so you will get this to day.
A very close friend
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