
Suffering From Ceramics Addiction

I have really enjoyed the ceramics class I have been taking this semester.  I am completely new to working with clay, but I have found that it can be quite enjoyable.  I have not shared very many pictures of my work mainly for two reasons: (1) I do not have very good pictures because I normally only have my phone available.  (2) Nothing is completely finished yet (except my raku piece) because ceramics is a process of building, drying, firing, glazing, and firing again.  All my sculptures are ready to be glazed, but none of my thrown pieces have been fired so far.  At the end of the semester, I intend to get good pictures of all my finished pieces.

I said I was addicted, and here is why:
1. It is a CHALLENGE!
2. I can make functional, personal items--cups, bowls, napkin holders, etc
3. It is a new creative outlet that I had never explored before
4. The more frustration, the more I work, the more sense of accomplishment I have
5. Ceramics is just plain pretty!
6. There is nothing like the feel of clay
7. Clay has so many possibilities

So, now I know what I want for Christmas.  Just buy me a wheel and kiln.  I can put it where my bed is because I won't be needing it anymore if I'm throwing day and night!

I am so thankful I have the opportunity to study art.  Ceramics class is not the only class I've enjoyed.  2-D design class and drawing class has gotten me animated before too.  Oh, but it's a lot of work, and I believe it consists more of failures--I mean, "learning experiences"--than of success, but it is still rewarding.

*Photos to come!

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