

Hello winter.  It's okay to just be you.  You don't have to try to look like spring.

Hello little sparrow sculpture.  I hope I make you just right.

Hello future.  I would love to get to know you.

Hello clay.  I miss you.

Hello uncontrolled hair.  Must I resort to a headband discipline?

Hello wind.  You are not helping.

Hello little dog.  I hope you don’t make a habit of chasing cars.

Hello internet.  You are many times a help and many times a hindrances.

Hello good little book (Hinds Feet on High Places).  I have already learned so much from your pages.

Hello sky.  I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re pretty.


1 comment:

  1. This made me laugh when I read it right before leaving work. I love getting emails when you post!
