
I Was Glad to Receive Your First Letter

Guthrie Okla.
920 W. Manrur ave.
Sept. 2, 1943
Dear Carrie,
It is with much pleasure that I write to you again.
I received you very welcomed and interesting letter last Tue.  We went over to D--- camp-meeting Tue. morning, and when we got back there were two letters waiting for me, one from you and one from my Mother.  I was really glad to get my first letter from you.  I am glad that you and Mildred had a safe trip home, although I am sorry that you had to wait so long and the didn't have a very comfortable ride, but I am glad that I know you had a comforter within your soul, which, when we have, makes the roads not seem so hard as they do to others who have no comforter.
Well this finds me still saved and happy in the Lord.  I am truly thankful that God made a way that all man-kind might be saved, not only be saved, but that he has fixed a way so that we can stay saved.  Truly he has fixed the way.  (not man)  I often think of that song where it says "Had I the choosing of my pathway, In blindness I should go astray, And wander far away in darkness, Nor reach that land of endless day."  I am thankful that God loves us so much to deal with us in his many ways.  I am sure he lets us suffer some time to keep us from going astray, such dealings with us is only God's mercy, yet I don't want to presume up-on the mercy of God, but as you said in your letter, I want to live very close to God that I might prove faithful in all things that I have to do with.  I am glad that God saved me, so I can help others to find rest too.
Carrie, I am sure you don't know how much I appreciated your letter.  It seemed to be with such sincerity and with truth.  I am very glad that you are taking my questions in consideration and that you are praying about the matter.
Truly this is a matter that needs to be considered very carefully with much prayer, and then waiting upon the Lord for his leadings.  I know he will lead us right.  The Bible says, "The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry." Pro 34:15.  (I only want the will of God to be done.)
Bro. Gibson and Family were down here last week and so he did the preaching down at the chapel Sun. morn. and Sun. night.  In one of his sermons (I forget which one) he mentioned about when he was first saved and that he met the saints about then (This was before he was married)  He said that he wanted a wife but that he felt unworthy of getting married to any of the saint girls.  Well I said that to say this, that I too feel unworthy of asking you to be my wife.  I wasn't asking you because I felt worthy but because I felt it was God's will.  You can be sure that I would not ask you to do such a thing unless I thought it was his will.  I have to much respect for you and for God to do such a thing.  I wouldn't want to ask any one to do any thing that I thought would be a hindrance to them in serving the Lord.  If two people were to marry out of the order of the Lord I know life wouldn't be near so happy or useful had they let the Lord lead them.  So if I were to be wrong in my request it would only be through ignorance, but even at this (at my sincerity) I am just glad to commend you to pray about the matter, and then do as you know God wants you to do.
Carrie, I still say that you have won a place in my heart that no other girl has ever won.  I really enjoyed being with you better than any other girl that I have been with.  The fellowship was more sweeter with you than with any other.
Carrie can you say that you love me more than just a christian friend,  I can say that about you, although I am sure that even divine love can be increased toward one another.  I heard one Sis. say that she had to pray for God to put love in her heart for the man he had shown her to marry.  I heard another Sis. say that she thought her and Husband loved one another to the fullest extent before they were married, but now the have been married over nine years and she said that their love was continually increasing.  ( They are saints.)  I believe when 2 Christian people unite in holy matrimony that their life continues to be a greater blessing to each other as each day of their life flows by.
You spoke in your letter about wondering what I was doing while you was writing (Sun).  Well I was probably up here in my room reading or writing  some.  I write quite-a-few letters and also read quite-a-little bit.  I was reading in a book entitled "Birth of a Reformation: Life and Labor of D.S. Warner".  This was Published by Gospel Trumpet quite a little while after they compromised and thereby some of it didn't seem to be as interesting as it should have been.
Yes Carrie I would love to been able to have went along with you to church, I am sure I would have enjoyed your company and I am also sure I would have enjoyed the meeting.  I have gotten much good out of all the sermons that I have heard you preach.
If I should be able to make a visit up to Neosho some time would it be alright with you for me to come and see you?  I am still waiting for the leadings of the Lord concerning me leaving here and to know just where he would have me to go.  So I was just thinking that if I went back to Ala. I would love to see you before I left, if it was God's will.
Manuel Mitchell in leaving for La. (his home) to morrow and Dorthy Byers is leaving for New Mexico to morrow.  She is going down to Clovis N. Mexico where she expects to be in a revival meeting with her Sis. and with other saints there.  She doesn't know just how long she will be gone.  I might be the Lord's will for me to stay on here a while longer.  If it is I will gladly do so.   I thought I would have already been gone but the Lord hasn't made me feel clear to leave yet.
Well it is getting time to bring your letter to a close for this time.
May the God bless you and comfort your heart is my prayer.
           T. V. McMillian

P.S. I am sending you a picture that I had made last winter.  Don't forget I still want one of you when you get it, please!

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