
Photography Friday

   This is just a guess, but I will probably be posting lots of pictures in the future.  I told my Facebook friends that they would have to put up with me for a few years until I got over the excitement of having a camera.  So...maybe I should limit myself to one photography blog a week.  How about Photography Friday?  I wish I were that excited about sketching everything I see.  I've tried to start sketching more, now that I am out of school, but I tend to spend more time with my camera (should I name my camera?  Suggestions anyone?) and Adobe (Camera Raw, Photoshop, and  Illustrator).  However, I still can't wait until I can get my hands back in some clay.  I think school has helped me develop my interests more.  I should keep making time for drawing and painting, though, because I feel like it is an extremely valuable an asset to creative work.

...hmm.  and a sculpture.  I should do another sculpture this summer--maybe another wire lamp?

(click to enlarge)

I created that pattern inspired by some old English ceramic that I saw in a museum.

I like the colors and layers in this one, but...

...I like the original too.

I have some trips to antique shops and flea markets in mind because I love pictures of old vintage things.  I also want to take some drives out in the country just to "see what I can see."


1 comment:

  1. I really like the piano with the layer!
    Hummm... trips to the country and flea markets sound like my kind of style.
